Contact Center voicemail queue email notifications issue


Contact Center voicemail queue email notifications issue

Status: closed
Duration: 3 hours 41 minutes
Affected Components:
Americas Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center US2 NA1 NA2 NA7 NA3 NA8 NA4 NA9 NA5 NA10 NA6 NA17 NA11 NA18 NA12 NA19 NA13 NA20 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

8x8 is investigating an issue where Contact Center queue voicemail email notifications are not being received. We are investigating and will provide updates as they become available. 


Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 


8x8 has identified the issue an issue delivering emails to Microsoft hosted email addresses. We have seen successful deliveries to non Microsoft addresses. We recommend customer open a support ticket with Microsoft email providers to investigate this further. 8x8 is monitoring backlog of emails waiting to be sent to microsoft as we wait to see restoration from them. This backlog can cause delay of delivery of emails not hosted by Microsoft due to their backlog.


8x8 is now monitoring for Microsoft restoration of service to their email systems. Until then there may be delays in email delivery while Microsoft emails get processed in backlogs. 


8x8 has seen acknowledgement from Microsoft on this issue and continues to monitor. Please contact Microsoft and reference their provided incident number EX680695 for an estimated time for resolution.


8x8 continues to see a large backlog of emails that cannot be delivered to Microsoft Email services. We will continue to monitor for resolution from Microsoft.


8x8 has seen the backlog of Microsoft emails now as delivered and email performance is back to normal. If you are still experiencing issues please contact 8x8 for further troubleshooting. For root cause on this event please contact Microsoft support for those details.