Work Calling

Americas Work Calling Endpoints WorkM (VOM) WorkD (VOD)

8x8 is currently investigating a performance issue with the 8x8 Meetings service in the South American region, which may cause quality issues. We are working on resolving the issue, and updates will be provided as they become available. 


8x8 has identified the issue impacting the 8x8 Meetings service in the South American region, which may be causing quality issues. We continue working on resolving the issue and updates will be provided as they become available.


8x8 has resolved the issue impacting the 8x8 Meetings service. 8x8 is monitoring and investigating the root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas Work Calling Inbound

8x8 is investigating reports of voicemail transcription for voicemails not being available. In addition the email notification and attachment is not being received for these voicemails. The voicemail is still available for playback in the 8x8 Work Desktop and Mobile applications and can also be retrieved directly from an endpoint itself. Instructions on how to retrieve are found in this link: Retrieving Voicemails. There is no impact to any other calling functions at this time. 

We are currently investigating the transcription ad email issues and will provide updates as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 
8x8 engineers continue to work towards resolution of the issue. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and we apologize for the inconvenience. 
We are doing our very best to get this issue resolved as a matter of priority, we thank you for your patience. We will provide further update as they become available and we again apologize for the inconvenience. 

8x8 has resolved the issue causing voicemails to not be transcribed and emailed. Any new voicemails left are now properly being transcribed and emailed in realtime. A backlog of unprocessed voicemails for transcription are being processed and should be completed and sent in the next 3 hours. 

We are performing a full root cause analysis and we apologize for the interruption. 

Americas Work Calling Inbound

8x8 is investigating reports of incoming voicemails left on 8x8 Work extensions not sending email notifications. The voicemails are being recorded successfully and made available for retrieval from each extension directly and also in the 8x8 Mobile and Desktop applications. The reported impact is isolated to only voicemail to email notifications not being received. Inbound calls and all other telephony functions are not impacted. We are continuing to investigate and will provide updates as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 
8x8 engineers continue to work towards resolution of the issue. We have observed that the issue with emails not being sent is intermittent. As a reminder voicemail retrieval can still be accessed directly from each extension or by any of the 8x8 Mobile and Desktop applications. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and we apologize for the inconvenience. 
8x8 engineers continue to work towards resolution of the issue. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

8x8 has seen voicemail emails now being sent and received in real time successfully. We are currently sill investigating the root cause and monitoring for full resolution.  We apologize for the inconvenience while we continue to work on this issue. 


8x8 has confirmed that the issue is resolved for any new voicemails being left as of 9:28 AM PT (12:28 PM Eastern) are now being sent. Voicemails not received via email during the impact window can still be retrieved directly from any extension or 8x8 Mobile or Desktop application. We're performing a full root cause analysis and we apologize once again for the inconvenience. 

Americas EMEA APAC Work Calling Work Calling Work Calling Endpoints Endpoints Endpoints WorkM (VOM) WorkM (VOM) WorkM (VOM)

8x8 Is currently investigating a call connectivity issue with the 8x8 Work Mobile app. This issue is causing the push notification for calls on the 8x8 Work Mobile app to not be displayed. We are working on resolving the issue and updates will be provided as they become available. 


8x8 is now seeing service restoration regarding the push notifications for calls not appearing issue impacting the 8x8 Work Mobile app. We will continue monitoring and will provide a final update once we confirm resolution.


8x8 has confirmed that the issue impacting the 8x8 Work Mobile app has been resolved. We are investigating root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas EMEA Work Calling Work Calling Inbound Inbound Outbound Outbound Endpoints Endpoints WorkM (VOM) WorkD (VOD) WorkD (VOD) WorkM (VOM) Deskphones Deskphones

8x8 Is currently investigating inbound and outbound issues with the 8x8 Work endpoints. We are working on resolving the issue and updates will be provided as they become available. 


8x8 continues to investigate the issue affecting inbound and outbound calls on the 8x8 Work endpoints. Current findings show possible audio issues on calls or calls unable to connect. If you are experiencing this issue please contact support to troubleshoot further. We apologize for the delay and we will continue to work to resolve.

8x8 has identified the issue impacting inbound and outbound on the 8x8 Work endpoints. We are currently engaged and working to resolve this issue. Further updates will be provided as they become available.

8x8 engineers are making progress in their efforts to resolve the issue impacting inbound and outbound calls on 8x8 Work endpoints. We started receiving confirmations of successful calls from a number of customers. We will continue working to resolve this issue and updates will be provided as they become available.


8x8 has resolved the issue impacting calls on 8x8 Work endpoints. 8x8 is monitoring and investigating the root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas Work Calling Inbound Outbound
8x8 will be performing network maintenance on the infrastructure in our US region. The maintenance window begins on Saturday, April 6, at 10PM Eastern (7PM Pacific) and will be for approximately 3 hours. We do not anticipate any service impact; however, if we do encounter any issues, there will be a short period of service impact as we roll the changes back.


8x8 has completed the maintenance and the maintenance window is now closed

Americas Work Calling Inbound Outbound

8x8 is investigating an issue with connectivity with some 8x8 services. We are currently investigating and will provide updates as they become available. 


8x8 has resolved the issue impacting connectivity and some inbound and outbound calls and other 8x8 services. We are performing a root-cause investigation and we apologize for the interruption.

Americas EMEA APAC Work Calling Work Calling Work Calling Outbound Outbound Outbound

8x8 is currently investigating an issue where callers are unable to dial Romanian numbers. We are working with our underlying carriers and will provide updates as soon as they are available.


8x8 has identified and resolved the issue making callers unable to dial Romanian numbers. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Americas EMEA APAC Work Calling SSO SSO SSO Endpoints WorkD (VOD)

8x8 is investigating reports of login failures to 8x8 Web services via Chat and presence in the 8x8 work applications have also been reported to not be properly functioning or loading. We'll provide updates as we confirm and validate the reports. 


8x8 has confirmed impact to 8x8 Work logins to web and application logins as well as some performance issues with 8x8 Work chat, presence and overall functionality. We are currently investigating and will provide updates as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.  
8x8 engineers continue to work towards the resolution of the issue. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and we apologize for the inconvenience. 
We are doing our very best to get this issue resolved as a matter of priority, we thank you for your patience. We will provide further updates as they become available and we again apologize for the inconvenience.

8x8 continues to work towards restoring new logins to 8x8 work and authentication services. All required teams are currently engaged and investigating the cause. Updates will continue to be given when significant updates become available. We apologize the delay in resolving this issue.

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 

8x8 has identified the cause and has performed some mitigation that has improved login success. We're continuing to confirm and monitor and will provide an update once we confirm the mitigation has been successful. 


8x8 has confirmed that logins have been successful since mitigation has been applied. We currently expect all symptoms to be resolved. We are continuing to monitor for stability and will provide further updates once we confirm full resolution to close out this alert. 

8x8 has monitored and confirmed that its mitigation has resolved the issues with logins and 8x8 Work desktop and mobile performance. We are performing a full root cause analysis and we apologize for the interruption this has caused.
Americas EMEA APAC Work Calling Work Calling Work Calling Endpoints Endpoints Endpoints WorkM (VOM) WorkD (VOD) WorkD (VOD) WorkD (VOD) WorkM (VOM) WorkM (VOM)

8x8 will be performing maintenance that will cause 8x8 work Desktop, Mobile, and web clients to not get call history updates for approximately 30 minutes. Inbound and outbound calls will still be completed as normal during this maintenance as there is no impact to call flow. Once the maintenance is complete any calls missed or completed during the 30 minute window will begin to propagate and begin displaying in the applications. 

Scheduled maintenance auto-closed.