Contact Center

Americas Contact Center Contact Center US2 NA9 NA17 NA38

8x8 has identified an issue causing telephony issues on a subset of US2 Contact Center clusters. We are currently working to resolve and will provide updates as they become available. 


8x8 has seen recovery and customers impacted should see restoration of their telephony functions. We are currently monitoring and will provide further updates once confirmed. 


8x8 has confirmed that the issue is now resolved. Impact was isolated to phone transactions. Other digital channels such as email, chat and SMS were not impacted. We are currently investigating the root cause and we apologize for the interruption. 

Americas Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center SK1 NA1 BC1 CA1 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 NA3 NA8 NA37 NA4 NA9 NA38 NA5 NA10 NA6 NA17 NA11 NA18 NA12 NA19 NA13 NA20 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

8x8 has identified an issue causing 8x8 Agent Workspace users web pages to no load correctly for some users. Transactions are still being offered and can be answered as the impact is limited to the way the page is loaded and displayed. Some buttons in the Agent Workspace may be hidden or cut off from view. We are currently working on a resolution and will provide updates as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 
8x8 engineers continue to work towards resolution of the issue. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

8x8 has implemented mitigation for the issues being experienced with pages loading correctly. Please ask agent workspaces users to log out, clear cache, and log back in to confirm resolution. 8x8 is monitoring and will provide updates once confirmed. 


8x8 has confirmed it's mitigation resolved the issue with users experiencing the issue with Agent Workspace. We are performing a root cause analysis and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas EMEA Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US2 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA7 NA8 NA9 NA10 NA17 NA18 NA19 NA20 NA27 NA28 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

8x8 Is currently investigating an issue with the 8x8 Contact Center where an error is present at login stating "Maximum Concurrent Log In Reached". We are working on resolving the issue and updates will be provided as they become available. 


8x8 has identified the issue impacting 8x8 Contact Center login, generating the error "Maximum Concurrent Log In Reached". We are currently engaged and working to resolve this issue. Further updates will be provided as they become available.


8x8 engineers continue to work towards resolving the issue impacting 8x8 Contact Center login. We will continue to provide updates as they become available, and we apologize for the inconvenience.


8x8 engineers are currently manually mitigating the issue impacting 8x8 Contact Center logins and are making progress in their efforts to fully resolve the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide further updates as they become available.

8x8 engineers continue to apply the mitigation and we expect to start seeing improvements to a number of users. We are doing our very best to get this issue fully resolved as a matter of priority, we thank you for your patience. We will provide further updates as we continue working throughout the issue and we again apologize for the inconvenience.

8x8 Support and Operations teams continue to apply mitigation preventively and also have prioritized mitigation for customers who have contacted support. If you are currently experiencing the "Maximum Concurrent Log In Reached" message unexpectedly, please contact support to prioritize resolution. We are continuing to investigate the cause and will continue to provide updates until fully resolved. 


8x8 continues to investigate the cause of the login errors being received. As a reminder, if you are currently experiencing the "Maximum Concurrent Log In Reached" message unexpectedly, please contact support to prioritize resolution. We will continue to provide updates until confirmed fully resolved. 


8x8 has completed an audit of customers impacted and believes any customers who had this login error should now be resolved. If you are currently experiencing the "Maximum Concurrent Log In Reached" message, please contact support to troubleshoot further. We will provide an additional update once fully confirmed. 


8x8 has confirmed resolution  with customer reporting the "Maximum Concurrent Log In Reached" login message. We are performing a full root cause analysis and we apologize for the interruption. 

Americas Contact Center Contact Center US1 NA1 NA2 NA3 NA4 NA5 NA6 NA11 NA12 NA13 NA14 NA15 SB1
8x8 will perform network maintenance this Friday, April 12th, 2024 at the US1 Contact Center site. Maintenance will commence at 11:00PM PT, and the maintenance window will be for 3 hours. We do not anticipate any service impact; however, if we do encounter any issues, there will be a short period of service impact as we roll the changes back.

8x8 has completed the maintenance and the maintenance window is not closed.

Americas Contact Center Contact Center SK1 CA1 CA2 NA37 NA38

8x8 is investigating an issue impacting some Contact Center customer logins at our Canada data center on SK1. We will provide updates as they become available.  8x8 Work logins are operational and this only impacts logins to the contact center. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 

8x8 has found the root cause and the issue is now resolved. All logins are now operational. A full root cause investigation is underway and we apologize for the interruption. 

Americas Contact Center Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal

8x8 is investigating intermittent reports of agents not being able to view the Agent Workspace after successfully logging into the application panel. After logging out and re-logging in they are able to log back in. Logged-in users are not experiencing any issues. We are currently investigating and will provide updates as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. If An agent is experiencing the issue please ask them to log out of the application panel using the log-out option in the top right-hand corner of the page, and then attempt to log back in.  We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 
Most agents are able to load the application panel with their Agent Workspace option successfully. For those who are unable to view the Icon, logging out and back in successfully loads the Agent Workspace option. We're continuing to investigate the intermittent nature of the Agent Workspace option not displaying. 

8x8 is seeing all logins correctly loading the Agent Workspace option at this moment. We're continuing to monitor to ensure the application panel loads this option successfully. If any agent previously experienced the missing option in the application panel, please have them log out and re-try. 


8x8 has resolved the issue causing the intermittent page loading issues. We are investigating the root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas Contact Center Contact Center US1 NA1 NA2 NA3 NA4 NA5 NA6 NA11 NA12 NA13 NA14 NA15 SB1

8x8 is investigating intermittent reports of inbound connection issues for some US1 Contact Center Customers. We are investigating and will provide updates as they become available. 


8x8 is continuing to investigate the cause for some inbound calls not completing their destinations. We'll continue to provide updates as they become available. 


8x8 has mitigated the issue causing inbound calls to fail. We should not see all call connection issues resolved. We are monitoring and will provide a final update once fully confirmed. 


8x8 has resolved the issue impacting the identified US1 calling failures. 8x8 is investigating the root cause and we apologize for the interruption. 

Americas Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA1 NA2 NA7 NA3 NA8 NA4 NA9 NA5 NA10 NA6 NA17 NA11 NA18 NA12 NA19 NA13 NA20 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

8x8 is investigating reports of agents getting logged out of Agent Workspace without the ability to log back in. We are investigating the issue and will provide details as they become available. 


8x8 has identified an issue causing login issues only on contact center users on the US1 data center. US2 data center customers are operating normally. We are currently working on restoration and will continue to provide updates as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 

8x8 has restored login functionality for Agent Workspace users in US1. Please have your contact center agents retry to login. We are currently monitoring and will provide a final update once fully confirmed. 


8x8 has confirmed that login functionality has been fully restored. 8x8 is investigating the root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas Service portals Contact Center Admin Console (AC) Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal

8x8 is investigating reports from customers where some contact center agents are missing their Contact Center tile option after successfully logging into the 8x8 Application Panel. While we investigate the issue if you have agent details for whom this issue is present, please create a support ticket so we can investigate. We'll continue to investigate and provide updates as they become available. 


8x8 is continuing to investigate the issue. If you are experiencing the issue please contact support to continue to troubleshoot the missing login option for affected agents. We'll continue to provide updates as the investigation continues. 


8x8 has identified the issue causing Agent Workspace panels to be missing form the application panel. The issue is now resolved.   We are monitoring and will provide a final update once fully confirmed. 


8x8 has confirmed the resolution of the issue causing some agents to not load the Agent Workspace application option. Please refresh the page or log back in to confirm. We are investigating the root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas Contact Center Contact Center US1 NA4

8x8 is investigating reports of intermittent login and performance issues at our NA4 contact center cluster. We have identified the cause and are working to restore normal performance. We'll provide updates as they become available. 

8x8 has seen stability for the previous 20 minutes however we are still investigating the cause and continue to investigate and monitor. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 
8x8 engineers have discovered the root cause and all systems should now be operational. We'll continue to monitor and provide a final update once fully confirmed. 

8x8 has fully resolved the issue impacting the identified services. 8x8 is investigating the root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience.