Americas Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center SK1 NA1 BC1 CA1 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 NA3 NA8 NA37 NA4 NA9 NA38 NA5 NA10 NA6 NA17 NA11 NA18 NA12 NA19 NA13 NA20 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

8x8 has identified an issue causing 8x8 Agent Workspace users web pages to no load correctly for some users. Transactions are still being offered and can be answered as the impact is limited to the way the page is loaded and displayed. Some buttons in the Agent Workspace may be hidden or cut off from view. We are currently working on a resolution and will provide updates as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 
8x8 engineers continue to work towards resolution of the issue. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

8x8 has implemented mitigation for the issues being experienced with pages loading correctly. Please ask agent workspaces users to log out, clear cache, and log back in to confirm resolution. 8x8 is monitoring and will provide updates once confirmed. 


8x8 has confirmed it's mitigation resolved the issue with users experiencing the issue with Agent Workspace. We are performing a root cause analysis and we apologize for the inconvenience. 

Americas Contact Center Contact Center ON1 BC1 BC2

An 8x8 scheduled maintenance is currently taking longer than initially planned. Our Operations team are actively engaged and working to complete the maintenance process.

We expect this to be completed within the next 20 to 30 minutes. Additional information will be provided if this is completed earlier.

We would like to apologize for the extended maintenance window and please rest assured that we are actively working to minimize the time of impact.


8x8 Operations team have successfully recovered BC2 and BC3 clusters and continue working on restoring full service for the BC1 cluster. 

We will provide updates as the maintenance operation comes to completion.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!


8x8 Operations team has fully restored service functionality of the entire platform since 22:59 PST/06:59 UTC. In the mean time support continued to monitor service stability.

Having received confirmation that the service is now stable, we will proceed with closing off the Status Cast alert.

We would like to apologize again for the extended maintenance window time and for any inconvenience this might have brought.

Americas EMEA APAC Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center UK2 Contact Center HK1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center UK3 Contact Center SY1 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center SK1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA1 BC1 CA1 EU2 EU4 AU1 AP1 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 EU3 NA3 NA8 NA37 EU11 NA4 NA9 NA38 EU10 NA5 NA10 EU5 NA6 NA17 EU6 NA11 NA18 EU7 NA12 NA19 EU8 NA13 NA20 EU9 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

8x8 Is currently investigating a no audio issue with the voicemail playback on VCC queues. Initial checks show that the voicemails are playable when receiving the notification via email, as an attachment. We are working on resolving the issue and updates will be provided as they become available. 

Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency. We will continue to provide updates as they become available. 
8x8 engineers continue to work towards resolution of the issue. We will continue to provide updates as they become available and we apologize for the inconvenience.
The issue is now resolved where blank audio was being observed when accessing Contact Center Voicemail Queues through the Agent User Interface. We are investigating the root cause and we apologize for the inconvenience. 
Americas Contact Center Contact Center ON1 Contact Center SK1 BC1 CA1 BC2 CA2

We are aware that you might have experienced issues accessing Agent Workspace and VCC Configuration Manager.  Please be assured we are doing our very best to minimize disruption time.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused. 8x8 Support Team


Dear Customer,
Our engineers have resolved this issue and restored full service.
If you are still experiencing issues please contact 8x8 Support team for further troubleshooting. Phone no.: +44 0207-096-6060 or visit the support page - https://support.8x8.com/
We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.
8x8 Support Team

Americas EMEA APAC Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center UK2 Contact Center HK1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center UK3 Contact Center SY1 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center SK1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA1 BC1 CA1 EU2 EU4 AU1 AP1 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 EU3 NA3 NA8 NA37 EU11 NA4 NA9 NA38 EU10 NA5 NA10 EU5 NA6 NA17 EU6 NA11 NA18 EU7 NA12 NA19 EU8 NA13 NA20 EU9 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

Dear Customer,
We are aware that some of our customers might have experienced issues loading VCC Agentworkspace correctly. The issue was acknowledged and already resolved by our operations team.
If you are still experiencing issues please contact 8x8 Support team for further troubleshooting.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.
8x8 Support Team

Americas EMEA Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center UK2 Contact Center US2 Contact Center UK3 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center SK1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA1 BC1 CA1 EU2 EU4 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 EU3 NA3 NA8 NA37 EU11 NA4 NA9 NA38 EU10 NA5 NA10 EU5 NA6 NA17 EU6 NA11 NA18 EU7 NA12 NA19 EU8 NA13 NA20 EU9 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39
8x8 Is currently investigating a performance issue with setting up persistent connections for contact center agents. We are working on resolving the issue and updates will be provided as they become available.
8x8 has resolved the issue with VCC being unable to set up persistent connections. Please test to ensure functionality has now been restored, if you continue to experience issues then please reach out to our support team. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Americas EMEA Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center UK2 Contact Center US2 Contact Center UK3 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center SK1 NA1 BC1 CA1 EU2 EU4 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 EU3 NA3 NA8 NA37 NA4 NA9 NA38 EU10 NA5 NA10 EU5 NA6 NA17 EU6 NA11 NA18 EU7 NA12 NA19 EU8 NA13 NA20 EU9 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA37 NA38 NA30 NA39

Dear Customer,

We are investigating reports of calls not working with MS teams client.

Engineers are currently investigating.

As a workaround switching the endpoint in VCC (either 8x8 Work or a PSTN line) will allow for a successful call completion.

We apologise for the inconvenience this is causing.


Dear Customer,

8x8 are continuing to work with our Partners to alleviate the performance issues causing calls to MS Teams endpoints to fail.

In the mean time, as a workaround we suggests switching the endpoint in VCC to 8x8 or a PSTN line. This will allow for a successful call completion to that new endpoint.

We apologize for the the inconvenience this might create.


Dear Customer,

We have received confirmation from multiple customers that calls are now routing successfully.

While working with our integration partner, they have temporarily re-routed traffic away from the impacted Microsoft network. Please note that some of the calls may now have some latency. We'll continue to provide updates as they become available.

We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing.


8x8 is continuing to work with our integration partner to fully resolve the issue. Microsoft has found the root cause and is working towards a solution. 8x8 will continue to provide updates until issue is fully resolved. 


Microsoft has resolved the issue causing the impact. 8x8's integration partner for Microsoft Teams has confirmed resolution and is monitoring closely. At this time call behavior is now normal. Thank you for being patient during this incident.

Americas EMEA APAC Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center UK2 Contact Center HK1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center UK3 Contact Center SY1 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center SK1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA1 BC1 CA1 EU2 EU4 AU1 AP1 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 EU3 NA3 NA8 NA37 NA4 NA9 NA38 EU10 NA5 NA10 EU5 NA6 NA17 EU6 NA11 NA18 EU7 NA12 NA19 EU8 NA13 NA20 EU9 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA30

Our engineers have resolved this issue and restored full service at 10:10 UTC - 2021/05/17.

If you are still experiencing issues please contact 8x8 Support team for further troubleshooting.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.

Americas EMEA APAC Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center UK2 Contact Center HK1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center UK3 Contact Center SY1 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center SK1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA1 BC1 CA1 EU2 EU4 AU1 AP1 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 EU3 NA3 NA8 NA37 NA4 NA9 NA38 EU10 NA5 NA10 EU5 NA6 NA17 EU6 NA11 NA18 EU7 NA12 NA19 EU8 NA13 NA20 EU9 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA30

Dear Customer,
We are investigating reports from a small subset of UK VCC customers who are experiencing intermittent inbound call issues. Inbound VCC calls across all regions might be affected intermittently. Engineers are currently investigating.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may be causing


Our engineers have resolved this issue and restored full service at 10:10 UTC - 2021/05/17.

If you are still experiencing issues please contact 8x8 Support team for further troubleshooting.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.

Americas EMEA APAC Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center Contact Center US1 Contact Center UK2 Contact Center HK1 Contact Center US2 Contact Center UK3 Contact Center SY1 Contact Center ON1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal Contact Center SK1 Contact Center Login Authentication Services and Administration Portal NA1 BC1 CA1 EU2 EU4 AU1 AP1 NA2 NA7 BC2 CA2 EU3 NA3 NA8 NA37 NA4 NA9 NA38 EU10 NA5 NA10 EU5 NA6 NA17 EU6 NA11 NA18 EU7 NA12 NA19 EU8 NA13 NA20 EU9 NA14 NA27 NA15 NA28 SB1 NA29 NA30

We are currently aware of intermittent issues affecting inbound and outbound calls in Contact Center. We are currently investigating and will provide updates as soon as they are available.


Our engineers have rectified the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please contact Support if you encounter any further issues.